Second private hospital walk out in as many months

Frustrated by further bargaining delays, hundreds of nurses and midwives at two major private hospitals in Sydney will take protected stop work action for a second time next week. Seeking fair pay and shift by shift staffing ratios, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) members at North Sydney’s Mater Private Hospital and St Vincent’s Private […]

Nurses and midwives walk out at two private hospitals

Nurses and midwives at two major Sydney private hospitals will walk off the job today for the first time in decades, following repeated statewide strikes by public sector colleagues this year. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) applied to the Fair Work Commission late last month for a protected action ballot, after bargaining stalled […]

Nurses close Coffs Harbour beds over patient safety

Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) Coffs Harbour Hospital branch have taken the unprecedented step of closing beds on a medical ward inside the local hospital due to severe understaffing. Citing serious patient safety and workload issues on Medical B ward, NSWNMA members escalated short staffing concerns to Mid North Coast Local […]

Spotlight on nursing and midwifery workforce pressures

Growing pressures on the nursing and midwifery professions have prompted a group of health and government representatives to discuss the wide-ranging workforce challenges at a networking breakfast in Sydney. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) brought together stakeholders from federal and state governments, the university sector, professional health bodies, private health operators and aged […]

Blacktown nurses and midwives stage staffing walk out

Nurses and midwives at Blacktown Hospital walked out in their own time at the conclusion of morning shift, over ongoing concerns for patient safety and a lack of safe staffing levels across the Western Sydney facility. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) members highlighted widespread staffing and skill mix issues impacting patient care, along […]

NSW edges closer to public hospital staffing overhaul

Improvements to patient safety and better working conditions for NSW nurses and midwives are a step closer, following today’s announcement by NSW Labor to overhaul minimum staffing across the public health system. NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns confirmed a Labor government would scrap the current outdated rostering system and replace it with an enforceable, minimum […]

Emergency department walk outs show need for ratios

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has urged the NSW government to overhaul the current nursing and midwifery staffing system, as new figures show tens of thousands of frustrated patients have left emergency departments without receiving or completing treatment. New Bureau of Health Information (BHI) data shows 76,117 patients walked out of public hospital […]

Groundswell of anger: Nurses and midwives strike to be heard

In a sign of widespread frustration, nurses and midwives will participate in a 24-hour statewide strike next Thursday, over their demands for safe staffing to be guaranteed in all NSW public hospitals and health services. A majority vote of NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) public sector members confirmed 94% in favour of the strike […]

Nurses and midwives’ fight for ratios rolls on

Hundreds of nurses and midwives have called on the NSW government to take responsibility for the understaffing crisis currently hampering the public health system and voted to continue the fight for nurse-to-patient ratios. During the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) 77th Annual Conference in Sydney, delegates and members described the widespread risks and chaos […]

New leadership at the helm of NSWNMA

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has announced General Secretary, Brett Holmes, will conclude his leadership at the end of this week after two decades in the top job. Mr Holmes, who was elected General Secretary in August 2002, formally announced his retirement to delegates and members during the NSWNMA’s 77th Annual Conference in […]

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