My little Angel heart

I don’t know what to feel … sorrow, pain, relief, joy? I guess I feel a little of each of these I held your tiny body for such a short time and you held on to my finger with your tiny hand so desperately Your little heart fighting refusing to give up till all the […]

My Australian Stories

Beginning “Ring! Ring! Ring!” I open my eyes. It’s still dark outside the window. Rubbing my eyes I hear a distant thought, “Come on Fukiko, time to get up!” Its 5.30am on the alarm clock and the rest of me reluctantly agrees.. “Oh yes Ok..” I get up to feed myself and my dog Rocky. […]

Lethal Combination

Vehicle Looming Uncontrolled steering. Shiny Ornate Driver Leering.   Lurching Dangerously Encouraged by friends. Speed Alcohol Not watching the bends.   Brainless Show off Skidding and braking. Burning Rubber Poor calculating.   Sickening Crash Crushing the wheel. Mangling Warping Splintering steel.   Screaming Groaning Someone is crying. Broken Limbs A man lies dying.   Ambulance […]

In the Shower

Hanna pulled her hair into a tight ponytail as she walked past the station. A steady stream of traffic whirred past her, not yet a crawl, broken by the occasional lumbering of a bus. She felt the city reluctantly waking around her, its heartbeat steadily gaining pace until it would be whirring and pumping. The […]


Do not call me love if you have not loved me, Shared my home, a tear, a memory. Come to me because you want to, Not just to fill the waking hours. Speak to me as you would speak to your companions – with interest. Pretend I understand your every word. Take my hand and […]

Light your lamp

When a nurse, you’ll belong to a caring profession On that subject, I must make a tiny confession … As a nurse, I was proud of my good education Diplomas, degrees, and qualifications. Experience, too, scores of runs on the board A dab hand at I.V.s and running a ward … Well, you may well […]

If I Had My Time Over …

The only time I saw my Dad cry was the day I started nursing. He dropped me off at Prince of Wales nurses’ home and drove off in tears. I stood alone wishing I could run after him. Back to my south coast home. I was a shy 18 year old and knew no-one in […]

Her smile

It was her smile. I will always remember it. Her teeth weren’t perfect, but they didn’t need to be. When she smiled, her eyes laughed, challenging the world to try and bring her down. Her smile revealed her positivity. Her strength. A power unique and untouchable captured in one simple gesture. It was my final […]


Gordon you shimmering old fish raging raging against that inevitable tide   Though I explained as you strained to let loose through the catheter “I bloody know what it’s there for… but why don’t YOU listen!”   Crude conniving cantankerous pale as a ghost frightened as all hell of that withering of control   Your […]

A Poem for Community Nurses

A Poem for Nurses, That’s what you see. A poem for the community, Where stories are free.   This poem, is a poem, Both short and succinct. Without names or identities, No clues to be inked.   Care in the community, Is our career aim. It’s diverse, eclectic, With people, none the same.   Their […]

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