ANMF welcomes superannuation boost for working women

On the eve of International Women’s Day 2024, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), has commended the Albanese Government on its decision to pay 12% superannuation for workers taking Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave (PPL) commencing 1 July 2025. With women comprising the overwhelming majority (99.5%) of the 180,000 PPL recipients, ANMF Federal Assistant Secretary […]

Cuts to superannuation will leave us working longer

The Australian Council of Trade Unions today raised deep concern about reports the Government is planning to take an axe to superannuation, leaving millions of Australians working well into their 70s. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the increase in superannuation to 12.5 per cent was always designed to ensure working Australians can afford a dignified […]

Keep Super Safe

Australian Unions built the most successful financial story in Australia – industry superannuation. Now Malcolm Turnbull wants to dismantle it. Industry superannuation has low fees and high returns because they are run in the interests of their members, not to make profits for banks. All profits are returned to members, there are no sales people […]

Abbott Government’s industry super ‘fix’ will hurt retirement savings

The Federal Government’s proposed changes to the governance of superannuation funds will undermine Australia’s high preforming Industry Super Funds and could see millions of Australians retire with less in their super. The ACTU submission on the Treasury Department’s Reforms to Superannuation Governance exposure draft outlines the threat to Industry Super Funds should the Abbott Government […]

ALP super policy a step in the right direction

Australian Unions welcome the Labor Party’s superannuation policy as a step in the right direction and urge both major parties to do more to increase the retirement saving of lower income earners. There is a growing consensus that present tax settings are failing millions of workers and families who deserve a decent standard of living […]

Abbott government gives greenlight for big bank super grab – ACTU

The Abbott government has sent a clear message it intends to put the interests of the big banks ahead of working Australians by attacking industry super funds – the best performing area of the superannuation industry. “It’s astounding that new Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s first public comment on superannuation is to attack the one area […]

Unions to claw back super increases for workers

Unions will push workplace claims to claw back the superannuation increases Tony Abbott and Clive Palmer traded away leaving huge holes in the retirement savings of millions of Australians. “Australian workers cannot afford any delay in increasing the superannuation guarantee from 9% to 12% so we’ll fight to lock these increases in at the workplace […]

Super freeze hits nurses and midwives hard

Nurses and midwives will be among the Australian workers hardest hit by Tony Abbott’s attack on superannuation as a result of his deal to axe the mining tax, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) said today. ANMF Assistant Federal Secretary Annie Butler said the decision to freeze superannuation contributions at 9.5% for the next […]

Address unfair super concessions in the Budget: ACTU

The Abbott Government should get serious about the budget bottom line and address unfair tax expenditure that sees billions of dollars in superannuation tax concessions flow into the pockets of high income earners every year. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Government’s selective use of facts ignore the critical and obvious point that unfair superannuation […]

Unpaid super a billion dollar problem – ACTU

The ACTU has said that it was the proper role of superannuation funds and of unions to chase employers who were failing in their legal responsibilities to pay their workers’ superannuation.  As the Royal Commission has started to look at superannuation, there is a danger of missing the real issue: that superannuation payments are workers’ […]

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