NSW workers compensation review

The NSW Government has finally called a Review of the workers compensation changes they introduced almost two years ago. The Review is being conducted by independent consultants Centre for International Economics (CIE) and will take place during May. All submissions to the Law and Justice Committee Inquiry into WorkCover will be considered as part of the […]

Workers compensation survey

For the past two years, workers and their unions have placed pressure on the NSW Liberal Government to reverse the cruel cuts they made to workers compensation in 2012. It looks like the Government is starting to listen. On 28 April they announced they might consider changing some aspects of their workers compensation cuts. Now is the […]

Workers compensation medical expenses

On 16 December the NSW Government put out a new Regulation regarding workers compensation medical expenses. Before the Regulation, all injured workers who were not receiving weekly payments on 1 January 2013 would be cut off medical payments from 1 January 2014. The Regulation means those of you who were due to be cut off […]

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