Union Summer interns 2015

Applications are now open for the Union Summer Internship, 2015, run by Unions NSW. Union Summer runs for three weeks from Monday 2 February – Friday 20 February 2015. Successful interns are placed with a trade union for three weeks and provided with training and a diverse experience of what it is like to work for a union. Stduent nurses and midwives who apply can ask to be placed with the NSWNMA.

Unions NSW is the peak union body representing 64 affiliated unions and over 600 000 affiliated union members who work in a range of industries and occupations. Unions represent the interests and workplace rights of union members.

Union Summer is aimed at young people interested in workers’ rights and social justice, who would like to find out more about how unions work how they campaign to make Australia a better place for working people and their families.

Experience in union, community, social justice or student activism is desirable.

Applicants whoare selected for the next stage of the application process will be requested to attend an interview to be held over two days on Wednesday 26 November and Friday 28 November.

The program  includes three days training provided by Unions NSW. Successful applicants will be a placed in a union and mentored by a union official. There is an allowance paid to all successful applicants.

Applications close 9am on 17 November 2014.

Apply online at Unions NSW.

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