Want to grow a mo to save a bro?


During November 2015, Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, Associate Members and Staff are participating in Movember to raise funds and awareness for men’s health.

It’s simple. Why not give it a go?


Log on and register your details. REMEMBER to nominate NSWNMA Team as your chosen team. Be clean shaven on 1st November to kick off your 4-week magnificent moustache challenge for the 30 days of Movember!


You can join in too!  This year, you can get active and raise funds by doing 30 MOVES in 30 days. Find out details and how to register for MOVE in Movember here

There will be a prize at the end of the campaign for “Best NSWNMA Team participant”.

Check out our NSWNMA Team page here

Get ready, there’s one week left to register!

Brett Holmes,
Team Captain, NSWNMA Team

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