Workers compensation survey

For the past two years, workers and their unions have placed pressure on the NSW Liberal Government to reverse the cruel cuts they made to workers compensation in 2012.

It looks like the Government is starting to listen. On 28 April they announced they might consider changing some aspects of their workers compensation cuts.

Now is the time to let the Government know exactly how the workers compensation changes are impacting on the lives of injured workers. If you have ever received workers compensation, please complete this survey for Unions NSW (open until June 10.)

The results of this survey will be compiled into a report which will be presented to the NSW Government and Opposition.

Even if you have completed one of our workers comp surveys in the past, we’d love to hear from you again. We understand that workplace injuries are never static and they change as your health and circumstances do. So please fill us in on your latest experiences.

The survey should take between 3-10 minutes depending on your circumstances.

For more information about the Workers Compensation changes, please go to  NSW For All.

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